Program Rules

5NOTE: Please read all 2025 Awards Program categories and rules closely as they have been updated.

Points will be awarded for all eligible fish caught on or after January 1, 2025 thru December 31, 2025. The angler or boat owner must be a member in good standing on the date of the catch. Renewing members must have renewal paid by the March 1, 2025 renewal deadline to receive points for fish caught prior to that date.


*White Marlin, Striped Marlin, Sailfish and Spearfish will count only toward release points. These species will not be weighed. In the Texas Division, weighed Blue Marlin are eligible only if caught, weighed and counted in a recognized Texas tournament that awards prize money for weighed blue marlin.

*A boat is eligible for boat points only if the owner is a member in good standing. Angler points will be awarded to members regardless of the boat owner’s membership status.

*Any guest (non-member) catching a fish on a member’s boat will not be eligible for individual awards. However, the boat will be credited boat points for that fish.

*Boats must leave from a Texas port and return to a Texas port for Texas Division.

*Departure or Return To/From any Port other than a Texas Port will be considered International.

*A junior member must be 18 years old or younger on the date of catch or release.

*On weighed fish, points will only be awarded if a verification form is turned in and includes the signature of the weigh master. All weights will be verified by the committee from the tournament(s) involved. Weighed fish must be weighed on a certified scale.

*A legal Billfish release is by standard measure: The mate touching the leader, or wind-on leader to the rod tip. Tagging is encouraged but is not required. Billfish boated for any reason will not be eligible for release points.

*A verification form must be submitted by mail or fax to the club, through the Club Awards App, a committee member or club board member for each fish within 30 days of capture/release. No verification form, no points.

*In case of a tie on total points, the first angler or boat to reach that total wins. This will be determined by the time/date of last reported catch on the verification form.

*All IGFA saltwater angling and tackle rules apply with the following exceptions: 1. An angler may receive assistance getting the rod to the chair or harness immediately after hookup. The angler must then fight the fish unassisted. 2. An angler or mate may set the hook and pass the rod to another angler after hookup. This may occur one time immediately after hookup.

*Any protests of rule violations must be filed by a current HBGFC member within 30 days of the potential violations and will be reviewed by the HBGFC Board of Directors.

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2105 Anders Ln. Suite A
Kemah, TX 77565




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